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Endpoints can quickly and easily be installed using enterprise-Q user-defined rules. Data collected from a target machine (Target) are compared to the established rules. As the rules are processed, all the information required to install the Endpoint is determined. Then, the Endpoint is properly and automatically installed (or, if the criteria dictates, not installed) and configured on the Target machine.

Endpoint Installation rules-based processing includes:
  1. Excluding targets from installation
  2. Selecting the Proxy Endpoint from which to initiate the installation
  3. Determining the Account used to install the Endpoint on the Target
  4. Assigning the Endpoint's Gateway(s)
  5. Selecting the Option Set used for installing the Endpoint
What we call an 'Option Set' includes items such as the directory (i.e. c:/Tivoli/lcf), UDP interval/attempts, broadcast disabled flag, wake-on-lan setting, httpd access level, etc.

The following Target data elements may be used for comparison in enterprise-Q rules-based processing for installing the Endpoint:
  • Computer Name
  • Windows Domain
  • Windows Username
  • DNS Domain
  • IP Gateway
  • IP Address
  • Operating System
Additionally, enterprise-Q includes two (2) documented tools for installing the Endpoint (described later):
  1. Via Windows Domain Login Script
  2. Via Windows Batch File Execution
Essentially, everything required to automate Endpoint installation is included in enterprise-Q.

After installing enterprise-Q, you may begin creating Endpoint installation rules by clicking on the Endpoint Mangement link on the front page to get to the following page:

From this page, click on the EP Install Configuration link to show this page:

Now, click on the each rule button and define rules that match your criteria. Once all the EP Installation rules are defined, they can be tested by clicking the Test Rules button and entering Target test data elements. Click here to learn more about testing EP Installation rules.

EPInstall Exclude Rule
This rule is used to exclude Targets from having the Endpoint installed.

In the example below, we are excluding those Targets that have an IP address within our dial-up modem range, as well as those computers that begin with the letters 'SRV'.

EPInstall Proxy Rule
This rule is used to determine the Proxy Endpoint used to install the Endpoint on the Target. The Proxy Endpoint must exist before it can be used. Tivoli methods are executed on the Proxy to install the Endpoint on the Target.

In the example below, we are specifying the proxy based on the IP address of the Target.

EPInstall Account Rule
This rule is used to determine the account and password used to install the Endpoint on the Target. The account must have authority on the Target to install the Endpoint as a service and to create the necessary Windows account (tmersrvd) and group (Tivoli_Admin_Privileges) on the Target.

In the example below, we are using an account based on the NT Domain to which the computer belongs. If the computer does not belong to an NT Domain, we use the local 'Administrator' account by default.

EPInstall Gateway Rule
This rule is used to determine the Endpoint's Tivoli Gateway assignment. This effectively sets the 'lcs.login_interfaces' variable on the Target Endpoint.

In the example below, we use the IP address of the Target to select the Gateways to which the Endpoint may login. If the IP address is not matched, we specify a default Gateway assignment.

EPInstall Option Set Rule
This rule is used to determine the Option Set used to install the Endpoint on the Target. Multiple Option Sets may be defined and selected based on Target characteristics.

In the example below, a single default Option Set is specified for installing all Endpoints in the enterprise.

The following screen shot shows the contents of the DefaultOptions set referenced in the rule above.

One of the Option Set variables worth noting is the Label Mask. The text <COMPUTERNAME> will be substituted with the uppercased computer name of the Target. For the computer name in lowercase, use <computername> instead. For the exact letter casing, use <Computername>. To include a prefix or suffix to the computer name of the target, include the text in the mask. For example, to append '-ep' to the computer name, the Label Mask should be <computername>-ep.

Testing EP Installation Rules

To test the EP Installation rules, click the Test Rules button from the EP Install Configuration page. The following new browser windo will appear:

From here, enter some test data and click the Test button. The EPInstall transaction executes in test mode, processing each rule using the data supplied. The results of processing each rule are displayed in the green bars. If-statement processing details are displayed below each green bar.

Here is some sample Test Rules output:

In some cases, if-statement processing may result in a number or null-string. These values are processed internally to determine the actual result as it pertains to the rule being processed.

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