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enterprise-Q includes a small C-compiled executable, called eqtivchk.exe. This program has been tested on all flavors of Windows and has been used for years to automatically initiate the installation of thousands of Tivoli Endpoints. eqtivchk.exe can be found in the enterprise-Q install/domain_login subdirectory.

To automatically initiate Endpoint installations, first establish the EP Install Configuration rules, and then put eqtivchk.exe on your Windows domain controller and invoke it from the Windows domain login script, passing the name or IP address of the enterprise-Q host:

     /path/to/eqtivchk.exe    <eQ hostname | IP>

eqtivchk queues the enterprise-Q DomainLogin transaction passing the following data elements to the specified enterprise-Q server.
  • Windows Domain - Name of Windows domain the user is logging into.
  • Username - Name of the user logging in.
  • Computername - Name of the computer from which the user logs in.
  • Hostname - Hostname of the computer. -
  • DNS Domain - DNS domain name of the computer.
  • OS - Operating system running on the computer.
  • IP Address - IP Address of the computer.
  • MAC Address - MAC address of the computer.
  • IP of the TCP/IP Gateway - IP address of the computer's configured network gateway.
  • LCF Install Flag - Flag indicating whethe or not the Endpoint is installed on the computer, and if installed, the state of the Endpoint service.
  • Timestamp - Universal timestamp indicating when the user logs into the Windows domain.
The DomainLogin transaction processes the Domain Login Configuration rules you've established and, if so determined by the rules, will queue up the enterprise-Q EPInstall transaction.

The EPInstall transaction processes the EP Install Configuration rules, obtaining all the information necessary to install the Endpoint on the computer that just logged into the Windows domain. Then, the EPInstall transaction executes the Tivoli methods required to complete the Endpoint installation process.

Operating in a Tivoli Hub/Spoke Environment
One of the Domain Login rules determines which enterprise-Q server to which to queue up the EPInstall transaction. This is useful in a Tivoli hub/spoke environment whereby eqtivchk may queue up the Domain Login transaction to the enterprise-Q server running in the Tivoli hub TMR, and the Domain Login transaction, based on the rules you define, queues up the EPInstall transaction in the appropriate Tivoli spoke TMR.

This type of arrangement requires that enterprise-Q be installed in all TMR environments, and that the enterprise-Q EP Install Configuration rules be defined in each spoke.

Additional Note
The data elements documented above are stored in the enterprise-Q EQ_DOMAIN_LOGIN RDBMS table. This information is very useful to operations. For instance, from this data, one can easily obtain the last time a user logged into the Windows domain, and from which computer.